Monday 12 November 2018

John Smith & Co - a Sunday night treat!

Just want to say a very big

 to those lovely  
Dart Gig Promotions 
chaps - Peter and Jonathan...


They brought us a real and most unexpected Sunday night treat last night with a memorable performance from
who has built a reputation as one of the UK’s finest guitarists and songwriters.

The auditorium was virtually packed, the atmosphere was buzzing, and a happy throng of people were first entertained by singer-songwriter Maz O'Connor. 

Maz O'Connor

Maz was a sheer delight with her pure, clear voice and enchanting songs. 

She was warm, funny and very talented... I particularly loved 'Should Have Loved Me Better' - so very poignant and moving.

 And then came a stunning performance from John Smith, joined by Belfast friends and fine musicians and backing singers Joseph and John McGurgan 

John has been described by folk legend John Renbourn as one of the UK's finest guitarists and songwriters, hailed  as 'the future of folk music' - and after last night's performance it's not hard to see why.

Never having heard John sing and play before, I found him mesmerising from the start! With his fantastic voice and style very reminiscent of the late, great John Martyn, he had me transfixed for the whole performance and I can honestly say that I enjoyed every single song. He was also friendly and warm with a great stage presence - and coupled with the beautiful harmonies from support Joe (double bass) and John (guitar), it really was for me a night to remember.

We were very lucky indeed to have John and the boys, and of course Maz, at the Flavel as part of their tour - so well done DGP boys for booking them. What a coup!

It was the last DGP gig of the season and after last night's performance they've left us all eager for more - and they tell us they have lots of folky treats in store for us next year...

In fact, I have it on good authority that they have already booked some amazing acts for 2019 and tickets are selling already, so make sure you don't miss out!


Yes, none other than the very popular Flook, who after announcing that they were taking a prolonged pause from live performance at the end of 2008, are now back together due to overwhelming popular demand, and are playing some carefully selected concerts around Europe and further afield. Catch these rare shows while you can! 

BBC award winning duo Philip Henry and Hannah Martin,

Their performances never fail to delight and excite - ranging from the traditional musics of the British Isles, to Indian classical slide guitar, to the stomping roots party of Phil's beatbox harmonica... and much more.

As always many thanks to Jonathan and Peter of Dart Gig Promotions and all at the Flavel for another Magical and Magnificent Music Night Out.

Performers' Info: 

Maz O'Connor:
Phillip Henry and Hannah Martin:

Monday 5 November 2018

Great fun at the Quiz

Just want to say a very big thank you for the Flavel Fundraising Quiz last night. 

It was a nice thing to do on a rainy Sunday evening and really good fun - such a lovely friendly community event and great to see the auditorium packed with people laughing and generally enjoying themselves.

Big thanks to Rose and Steve Williams who worked so hard compiling all the questions, organising and running the evening...

 ..They got it just right as it wasn't too serious - but it wasn't too easy either so it really made us get our thinking caps on and get the old grey matter working. 

Our team of Happy Quizzers didn't win, but we didn't do too badly - and anyway it really WAS a case of 'It's not the winning, it's the taking part,' as we all had a thoroughly enjoyable evening, with the added bonus of knowing we were helping to raise funds for our Fantastic Flavel.

Many thanks to the Flavel for this very successful event - I hope you'll be doing it again some time.