Sunday, 16 July 2017

Guest Review: David Starkey, Tuesday 11th July

David Starkey - English constitutional historian and radio and television presenter

David Starkey spoke at The Flavel on Tuesday 11th July. Many thanks to Emily Jade Love for sending in this thoughtful review.

On Tuesday night, the renowned historian David Starkey took to the stage to discuss the correlation between Henry VIII's English reformation and the recent Brexit referendum. With intellectual wit and a plethora of knowledge, Starkey presented the Tudor King's reasoning for the break with the See of Rome with clarity and created interesting parallels between the modern day and five hundred years ago, highlighting the many ways in which we have not changed. 
The intimacy of the venue added to the presentation, by allowing every audience member to feel personally addressed and drawn in to the in-depth, flowing lecture.  Although his style depends on your prior knowledge of the subject being discussed, there was a simplicity to the format that allowed even those with a passing interest to be engrossed, and most likely develop an enthusiasm for the 16th century. The odd chuckle and continual nods from the audience showed that his facts were indeed compelling and well grounded. 
By taking prompts from the Tudor monarch's famous painting by Hans Holbein, Starkey fleshed out Henry as both a romantic and a tyrant, a man and a king. Each new point of interest was studied in great depth as to how many different aspects lead to the ultimate decision to break with the Catholic church, including the King's 'Great Matter' in desiring a divorce from Catherine of Aragon and his relentless pursuing of Anne Boleyn. 
The proximity to the speaker, allowed every audience member to share in the passion of Starkey about, not just the Tudor King, but also the fundamental values of history. A juicy Q&A followed the talk, allowing a more in-depth discussion of the vital players of the time and how they reflect on the modern day. It was soon was over and left the patrons with a torrent of topics to discuss and theorise amongst themselves, which many did as they left The Flavel. 

Whether Henry VIII was indeed the original 'Brexiteer' or not is up for debate, but he was certainly a bold, turbulent and intriguing ruler who is still the subject of many discussions today and looks set to be for many years to come.

Emily Jade Love

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